- Improve Generating Asset Liquidity
Increase the Marketability of Your Generation Assets:
By including full fuel services as a part of the package, potential bidders can focus on a generating asset's strategic value in a particular power market. Lack of familiarity with a specific coal supply region and its associated transportation logistics is less inhibiting when the package includes full fuel services.
Expand Your Geographic Scope in Generation Asset Acquisitions:
NexGen Coal Services provides a fast turn-around in competitively sourcing fuel for newly acquired generation assets without regard to
geographic location.
- Obtain a Low-Cost Source of Capital
NexGen Coal Services frees-up capital from existing coal and ash handling facilities, as well as working capital tied-up in fuel inventories, and does it on an off-balance sheet basis. Complete control over all aspects of fuel procurement is assured while providing a new means for pursuing growth and diversification opportunities.
- Improve Your Competitive Advantage
Take Advantage of Synergies and Economies of Scale:
NexGen Coal Services improves decision making and lowers fuel costs through improved access to market information. Competitive intelligence obtained through industry publications and studies, state-of-the-art databases, and a network of contacts in fuel buying, fuel marketing, and fuel transportation provides a basis for astute, strategic decision making. A thorough knowledge of hedging and risk
management tools and inter-commodity options offered by power marketers and traders will allow strategic coordination and alignment with a company's market priorities.
Increase Negotiating Clout:
The consolidation underway among fuel suppliers and transporters highlights the need for a corresponding "critical mass" among fuel consumers. It is vital to increase the visibility and potential impacts related to fuel procurement to a level that provides credibility and leverage in negotiating with suppliers. NexGen's management of the process provides that credibility through combination with others.
- Reduce Regulatory Risk
NexGen Coal Services personnel are experienced in providing expert testimony before regulatory agencies with credibility derived from direct involvement with all aspects of the fuel supply chain. A broad understanding of markets and issues allows the development of thorough and persuasive responses to regulatory data requests and inquiries.
- Reduce Administration Costs
NexGen's streamlined organization and shared resources reduce the need for support personnel and answer the need for employee optimization. Consolidating fuel costs and providing a "burner-tip" cost for coal can improve a utility's focus on generating asset
- Improve Reporting and Accountability
As a part of the total fuel management process, NexGen provides a degree of interaction and reporting tailored to you needs. Benchmarking against competitive units, setting strategic goals, and providing concise progress reports is a critical part of NexGen's package of services.